Same Competition with Different Features

Same Competition with Different Features

I never really learned anything,
For remembering had not been my thing.
Now that I’m dragging out the last years,
Recollection is even worse.

People strive from different points,
But we measure one other by the same yardsticks.
There are no different weight categories among people.
Everyone runs the same track, and the best talents at birth
for free received ones are winning.
© Yelling Rosa
6/7 –22

Same Competition with Different Features -22 © Yelling Rosa
Same Competition with Different Features © Yelling Rosa -22

The monotony of one truth

Here in Finland, many influencers have said there is only room for one fact at a time. However, I’m afraid I have to disagree. I think the world can only fit one lie at a time, which gains a foothold by repeating it endlessly. Lately, the world has always been one rainbow to such an extent that you might think there are no heterosexuals in this world. When we forget facts, truths lose their meaning.

We simplified bullying to a level where only nasty bullies persecute good individuals. This simplification has resulted in reverse bullying. In television programs, school bullies are called idiots and incite contempt toward the bullies. The promulgators of these insults completely forget that the bullies are almost always bullied. They learn to tease because someone has teased them. The most important thing has not even received a secondary role in simplifying the causes of bullying. We live in a competitive society where rising above others is considered a desirable endeavor. No matter how positive their gifts are, elevating the few above the rest is frowned upon by people outside the podium.

This glorification of the most successful individuals is both short-sighted and unfair. The truth is that the individual has not done anything to have some glorified qualities, such as good looks, an accurate ear for music, lots of fast muscles, and so on. Humans get their natural gifts at birth. It has been studied, for example, that a person can increase his running speed by a maximum of 10 percent through his efforts. On the other hand, you can’t get an absolute pitch by practicing, but it comes in mother’s milk if it is to come.
© Yelling Rosa

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42 Replies to “Same Competition with Different Features”

      1. Kiitos kommentistasi, mutta en ymmärrä, mitä sinä haluat sanoa. Voisisitko selventää viestisi merkitystä minulle.
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  1. Due articoli assai interessanti.
    Riflettendoci bene si possono fare alcune osservazioni.
    La competizione è aperta a tutti ma non tutti vincono e mi pare ovvio.
    Nel secondo Come distinguere la verità dal falso? Uhm, è alquanto difficile, perché troppo spesso notizie false prevalgono su quelle vere.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Keen observation. It is a mad merry-go-round of people forming associations and groups in order to rise above others and have their writ run in the world. If you are not with me, you are against me. Middle ground is vanishing.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Yeah.I agree with your is same in others already but the competition is continued.I think -every human has a little bit beast’s minded,so try to prey each other.this is Ego in everyone.are you agreed me?plz reply,dear Resa!!

    Liked by 1 person

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